Thursday, 12 August 2010

10th aug

10th August

Today was a bloody busy day again! Well happy cos as im writing this and iv found some batty pod casts on my computer, which means, batty tunes to get ready to in the morning!! Woooop.
Keara, is here so I have roomy! Woop.
Today, I drained a year old kids deltoid abscess, without pain relief, proper grim, this kid screamed like a fucker and had to be held down by its mother. I squeezed about half a glass of pus from this babies shoulder, but didn’t heave! Had to buy the kid sweets after though cos I felt so guilty for the pain that I had caused.
Today , I actually toyed with the idea of becoming a surgeon, I participated in so many surgical procedures, including, exploration and packing of a anal fissure, an evacuation of productions of conception, a pericentisis and removal of a finger nail.
Not really anything else to report today, except the number of men asking to ‘get to know me’ is becoming exponential. Iv taken to just looking down now, cos if I accidentally catch a Kenyan mans eye, he automatically thinks that I am checking him out (I AM NOT) and ergh I have to endure 5 minutes of him reeling of his credentials, and reasons why i should follow him to wherever he is going. Can someone send me a wedding ring pls. –not that that would stop them anyway.

Had sugar cane today, that shit nearly made me loose more teeth, fucking sweeeeet thou.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Darling, I did try to get you some bling... just you, me and Elizabeth Duke. You're my wife now... Sammy xx