Monday 2 August 2010

internet troubles


So I have managed to get to a computer with internet, but I cant upload my blogging entries from my USB because I am using word 2007 and here the latest word is 2003. Ergh, so I have to go back and reconfigure my computer. -yawn.

I am well and happy. I have been here six days but feel like I live here!! The weather is brill, the people are nice, food is lovely, but giving me travelers stomach -lol. I don't wanna write much here cos ive written six really comprehensive blogs and will upload them by the end of the weekend.

Highlight so far was being taken to Obamas grandmas house.

Missing my mates but London can jog on. If any of yous get a chance to leave london and live a pure life in a poor country. DO IT, even for a bit. I am really starting to appreciate everything that I have in England, cos here life is basic, even the food lack e-numbers.
Despite having relatively nothing, these people are rich in love for one another and family. To hear a child here laugh is so tear provoking. In England trying to make a child laugh can be hard, here the children are completely happy with even a wave from a stranger from a car window.

Check the blog later this week for details about my Kenyan life to date.

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